
Blind Faith

by Ben Elton

 / Rating  ✰ (zero stars) /

I'd rate this book minus 10 if I could. It was painful to read, and I deleted it after a couple of chapters.

Blind Faith by Ben Elton tries way too hard to be an absurdist take on society. In this world, 100 years from now, faith in some kind of God is everything. People must demonstrate their faith at every waking moment. They must document their every “feel” on social media. 

Girls have it the worst - they must film and post their Cherry Pop (yikes), the birth of their babies, and their mandatory breast enlargement surgery. And on and on.

 OK, I get it, this is supposed to take the disturbing things about the early 21st century and magnify each to the millionth power. This was listed as "comic" but any joke becomes unfunny after it's thrust in your face over and over.

 This is literally the only book I've ever returned to Amazon for a refund.

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